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Translating SymptomsTo Solution

What is "disease"?
In fact, pathology or disease can be described as one or several dysfunctions related or not to each other. They are regulated by physiological and anatomical laws which are well interpreted since the 19th century.
Let's see how it works with some examples.

Any system, any mechanism ends up heating without pause

You are told "Sinusitis"...
Which means that one or more cavities in the bones of your face - the famous sinuses -  are inflamed - the suffix "ite" . With that, you are well advanced...
If one or more of your sinuses are inflamed, there are several possible causes for this problem . In consultation, we will find out which one concerns you.
What we must remember is that this inflammation did not settle like that! The mucous membrane has been weakened - that soft pinkish tissue that you find in your mouth, for example. It's sollicited hundreds of times a day, except perhaps with Jacques Mayol who holds his breath. Otherwise, you and I still get the same breathing ratio. And, as the mucous membrane is weakened but very stressed , it works at full speed and ends up heating up - try rubbing your hands for two hours, you'll see! The mucous membrane no longer knows how to meet the demand, it will become cluttered , clogged - the famous mucus.
Here, the recipe is ready: the sinuses are full and inflamed. A beautiful sinusitis!

Are all the trees on the planet "bad" for 500 years?

...Or "Scoliosis"...
" Oh come on, your lower back pain is normal, you have scoliosis !"
Yet you've only been in pain for 3 weeks, after helping your friends moving out of house. And you know your scoliosis has been there for a little more than 3 weeks...
You are not crazy! You are logical. We use the same logic in etiopathy. Pain, a burning sensation, tingling are all signs of a dysfunction that has not always been there.
A scoliosis is modeled during childhood , very often under the influence of a visceral problem which affects the muscles of the back by nervous side effect .
The back muscles will pull more than normally to the left or to the right. Spinal column then adapts itself to this mechanical restraint and get curved. Hence scoliosis. In fact, the spinal column just adapted itself to the mechanism that was pulling it. This is not the aesthetical magazine-type. But it's fully functional.
On the other hand, the back-pain you have since last sunday is because of the movement that forced your lumbar spine while carrying the heavy wardrobe all by yourself. And now it stretches some ligaments all day long. Of course it hurts !

A fracture is a break in the continuity of the tissue

"I was told i have a liver-fracture. Is it like when someone's broke his leg ? What do you think about it ?"
Exactly, this is the same mechanism written with different words. A fracture is when there is a discontinuity in the body of an organ, of a tissu. That is why we can have a liver or kidney-fracture. Which I do not recommend. It hurts quite a lot !
We can work directly on the bone-fracture, as long as it's not an opened wound with no vascular or nervous injury. As for putting back to its place an abdomen-based organ, I'll let Lieutenant Ripley do the rest.
...Or "Fracture"...

An emotion is an organ that expresses itself

...And of course "You are depressed"
"You are depressed, too much stress in your life. We're going to help you with some nice pills and some rest."
This is strange you will say. You like your job, your husband or wife loves you and you have nice kids. What's going on ?
The "negative" emotion is somehow a piece of information misinterpreted by the brain. Mostly, it's a visceral organ that sends a dysfunction information to the brain. Thing is, the brain does not know what to do with it. So, it starts to turn round and circles.
As an example, when you burn your finger, your reflexes put your hand away from the heat. When your caecum, the beginning of your colon, is not functioning well, it talks to your brain again and again until this one finds a solution. As the brain has no solution, they start a dialogue of the deaf.
That is why you will visit the one practitioner that is aware of this peculiar mechanism and will manipulate the organs that need to be cured and who will reset the vascular and nervous commands to make things work all-together again

These are just some examples that shows "disease" is only a name that explains nothing but people who decided to regroup some symptoms under a pathology.

Let's talk the same language, the language of logic. Then we will understand each other and how your health works. So you can start to cure yourself properly.

See you soon !

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